A Post with Images

This is the part of the post that will appear as the excerpt.

The rest of this post will only appear on the post’s page.

Markdown images will automatically use the responsive picture shortcode.

Time-lapse of a blue and white train moving fast through a stationPhoto by Brianna Tucker on Unsplash

You can use the figure shortcode to add a caption to an image. The image content can be a picture shortcode or img tag.

The depths of space showing an immense variety of colour across millions of stars.
Photo by Emily Bauman on Unsplash

Or you can use the picture shortcode directly.

The depths of space showing an immense variety of colour across millions of stars.Photo by Eric Ward on Unsplash

Think me see she pink bikini. Shoulders sideways, smack it, smack it in the air. Sweatin’ out my blow out, sweatin’ out my presses. Smack it, smack it in the air, legs movin’ side to side. This trick about to go off, mad 'cause I’m so fresh. Hold that cup like alcohol.

A final paragraph.